Background: Social exclusion refers to dynamic processes that prevent people from participating across the cultural, economic, political and social dimensions in society. There is scarce evidence on the adverse health effects of SE among immigrants.
Objective: To summarize existing literature on the relationship between social exclusion and health outcomes in the immigrant population in Europe.
Methods: A scoping review was conducted. Quantitative articles that analyzed SE as a multidimensional concept but also in each of its dimensions were included.
Results: A total of nine studies analyzed the multidimensionality social exclusion (SE) and its association with health outcomes among the immigrant population in Europe. Besides, 26 studies analyzed factors related to the social, economic and cultural dimensions of SE and their associations with immigrants‟ health. Social was analyzed including different factors of social exclusion at once. Thus, interactions were found between the economic, cultural and social factors in their associations with poor mental health and mental health. Other studies, analyzed structural indicators of SE based on country level integration policies. This review also found SE factors such as material deprivation, precarious working conditions, discrimination, and low social support are associated with immigrants‟ poor mental and self rated health.
Conclusions: Further research would be needed to analyze multidimensional considering the cultural and political dimensions that remain less studied.
Contribution: The paper is the first one in summarizing existent evidence on the association between social exclusion and immigrants’ health. It contributes to identify knowledge gaps for further research
Keywords: Social exclusion; Integration; Immigrants; Health; Europe
This is an appropriate publication for Demographic Research because it summarizes existing evidence about topic of interests of the journal: migration, health. It also brings information for Policy makers.
Articulo completo:
The association between social exclusion and health among the immigrant population in Europe
Autor :
Dra. Ana Maria Arias Uriona